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GLASER, K., MIKHAILYUK, T., PERMANN, C., HOLZINGER, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2025) New strains of the deep-branching streptophyte Streptofilum: phylogenetic position, cell biological and ecophysiological traits, and description of S. arcticum sp. nov.. Environmental Microbiology 27:e70033;
BOLIUS, S., SCHMIDT, A., KAISER, J., ARZ, H.W., DELLWIG, O., KARSTEN, U., EPP, L. & KREMP, A. (2025) Resurrection of a diatom after 7000 years from anoxic Baltic Sea sediment. The ISME Journal 19(1), wrae252;
GRAIFF, A., FRANKE, K., KARSTEN, U., LIESNER, D., GORDILLO, F.J.L & IñIGUEZ, C. (2025) Differential effects of warming on carbon budget, photosynthetic yield and biochemical composition of cold-temperate and Arctic isolates of Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae). Journal of Plant Physiology 306, 154436;
NICOLAI, R., LOUIS, Y. D., CERRI, F., SENNA, G., d’ARCHINO, R., ZUCCARELLO, G., KARSTEN, U. & GALLI, P. (2024) The benthic marine algae of the Maldives: historical insights into their diversity and distribution. Botanica Marina,
MAS MARTINEZ, I., PUSHKAREVA, E., KEILHOLZ, L., LINNE VON BERG, K.-H., KARSTEN, U., KAMMANN, S. & BECKER, B. (2024) Role of climate and edaphic factors on community composition of biocrusts along an elevation gradient in the High Arctic. Microorganisms 12, 2606,
MEDWED, C., KARSTEN, U., ROHMAN, J., KAISER, J., DELLWIG, O., ARZ, H. & KREMP, A. (2024) Temporal Archives of Cyanobacterial Traits: Insights from resurrected Nodularia spumigena strains from Baltic Sea Sediments reveal a shift in Temperature Optima. ISME Communications 4, ycae140;
KARSTEN, U. (2024) Salinity. In: Giordano, M., Beardall, J., Raven, J., Maberly, S. [Eds.]; Evolutionary physiology of algae and aquatic plants. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
SCHULTZ, K., PRELLE, L., DREßLER, M., MUTINOVA, P.T. & KARSTEN, U. (2024) Benthic diatom community response to the sudden rewetting of a coastal peatland. Science of the Total Environment 955, 177053,
ILICIC, D., WOODHOUSE, J., KARSTEN, U., SCHIMANI, K., ZIMMERMANN, J. & GROSSART, H.-P. (2024) Exploring the unseen: chytrid fungi in Arctic microphytobenthic communities. Science Advances(in press)
FRANKE, K., KROTH, F., KARSTEN, U., BARTSCH, I., IñIGUEZ, C. & GRAIFF, A. (2024) Varying photosynthetic quotients strongly influence net kelp primary production and seasonal differences increase under warming. Frontiers in Marine Science 11;
RÖSER, P., GLASER, K., JUCHEM, D., PARKINSON, J.E., VOOLSTRA, C.R. & KARSTEN, U. (2024) Species-specific effects of light and temperature on photosynthesis and respiration among Symbiodiniaceae (Dinophyceae). Coral Reefs doi: 10.1007/s00338-024-02557-x.
DIEHL, N. LAESEKE, P., BARTSCH, I., BLIGH, M., BUCK-WIESE, H., HEHEMANN, J.H., NIEDZWIEDZ, S., PLAG, N., KARSTEN, U., SHAN, T., BISCHOF, K. (2024) Photoperiod and temperature interactions drive the latitudinal distribution of Laminaria hyperborea (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) under climate change. Journal of Phycology DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13497
BONIN, J., HAMMERLE, F.J., GANZERA, M., KRUMME, U. & KARSTEN, U. (2024) UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the eyes of temperate marine and freshwater fish species. Frontiers in Marine Science 11; doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1426861
ZENOUZI, L.K., KABOLI, S.H., ROSSI, F., GLASER, K., KARSTEN, U., KHOSROSHAHI, M. & SOHRABI, M. (2024) The production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by cyanobacteria isolated from biocrusts in Sejzi Plain, Iran, and their contribution to UV-B stress tolerance. European Journal of Phycology (in press)
DÜSEDAU, L., FREDRIKSEN, S., BRAND, M., FISCHER, P., KARSTEN, U., BISCHOF, K., SAVOIE, A. & BARTSCH, I. (2024) Kelp forest dynamics in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) across 25 years of Arctic warming. Ecology and Evolution14, e11606.
KAMMANN, S., LEINWEBER, P., GLASER, K., SCHIEFELBEIN, U., DOLNIK, C., MIKHAILYUK, T., DEMCHENKO, E., HEILMANN, E. & KARSTEN, U. (2024) Successional development of the phototrophic community in biological soil crusts along with soil formation on Holocene deposits at the Baltic Sea coast. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
BORBUREMA, H.D.S., KARSTEN, U., PLAG, N., YOKOYA, N.S. & MARINHO-SORIANO, E. (2023) Low molecular weight carbohydrate patterns of mangrove macroalgae from different climatic niches under warming, salinity variation and ocean acidification. Marine Environmental Research
HANDY, J., JUCHEM, D., WANG, Q., SCHIMANI, K., SKIBBE, O., ZIMMERMANN, J., KARSTEN, U. & HERBURGER, K., (2024) Antarctic benthic diatoms after 10 months of dark exposure: consequences for photosynthesis and cellular integrity. Frontiers in Plant Science 15:1326375. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1326375
FRANKE, K., BARTSCH, I., KARSTEN, U. & GRAIFF, A. (2024) Seasonality influences the effect of warming on kelp photosynthesis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 739, 15-29;
CLARK, M., HOFFMAN, J., PECK, L.,.....GLASER, K., HEESCH, S.,....... KARSTEN, U.,........WUNDER, L. & MOCK, T. (2023) Multi-omics for studying and understanding polar life. Nature Communications 14, 7451.
GLASER, K., KAMMANN, S., PLAG, N. & DRESSLER, M. (2023) Ecophysiological performance of terrestrial diatoms isolated from biocrusts of coastal sand dunes. Frontiers in Microbiology 14:1279151. https://doi:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1279151
ORFANOUDAKI, M., ALILOU, M., HARTMANN, A., MAYR, J., KARSTEN, U., NGUYEN Ngoc, H. & GANZERA, M. (2023) Isolation and structure elucidation of novel Mycosporine-Like Amino acids from two intertidal red macroalgae Bostrychia scorpioides and Catenella caespitosa. Marine Drugs 21, 543.
JUCHEM, D., SCHIMANI, K., HOLZINGER, A., PERMANN, C., ABARCA, N., SKIBBE, O., ZIMMERMANN, J., GRÄVE, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2023) Lipid Degradation and Photosynthetic Traits after prolonged Darkness in four Antarctic Benthic Diatoms including the newly described species Planothidium wetzelii sp. nov.. Frontiers in Microbiology 14:1241826; doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1241826
GRAIFF, A., BRAUN, M., DRIEMEL, A., EBBING, J., GROSSART, H.P., HARDER, T., HOFFMAN, J.I., KOCH, B., LEESE, F., PIONTEK, J., SCHEINERT, M., QUILLFELDT, P., ZIMMERMANN, J. & KARSTEN, U. (2023) Big Data in Polar Sciences – Current status, deficiencies and future perspectives. Polarforschung 91, 45-57;
MIKHAILYUK, T.I., VINOGRADOVA, O.M., GROMAKOVA, A.B., GLASER, K. & KARSTEN, U. (2023) A polyphasic approach leading to the discovery of new taxa of terrestrial Cyanobacteria for the Flora of Ukraine. International Journal of Algae 25, 301-322.
OHAN, J.A., SIANI, R., KURTH, J.K., SOMMER, V., GLASER, K., KARSTEN, U., SCHLOTER, M. & SCHULZ, S. (2023) Microbiome convergence and deterministic community assembly along successional biocrust gradients on potash salt heaps. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99, 1–13; DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiad081
KURTH, J.K., ALBRECHT, M., GLASER, K., KARSTEN, U., KUBLIK, S., SCHMID, C.A.O., VESTERGAARD, G., ARMBRUSTER, M., SCHLOTER, M. & SCHULZ, S. (2023) Biological soil crusts on agricultural soils of mesic regions promote microbial cross-kingdom co-occurrences and nutrient retention. Frontiers in Microbiology DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1169958
DIEHL, N., STEINER, N., BISCHOF, K., KARSTEN, U. & HEESCH, S. (2023) Exploring intraspecific variability – Biochemical and morphological traits of the sugar kelp Saccharina latissima along latitudinal and salinity gradients in Europe. Frontiers in Marine Science,
HOLZINGER, A., PLAG, N., KARSTEN, U. & GLASER, K. (2023) Terrestrial Trentepohlia sp. (Ulvophyceae) from alpine and coastal collection sites show strong desiccation tolerance and broad light- and temperature adaptation. Protoplasma
FRANKE, K., MATTHES, L., GRAIFF, A., KARSTEN, U. & BARTSCH, I. (2023). The challenge to estimate kelp production in a turbid marine environment. Journal of Phycology; DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13327
KURIYAMA, K., HEESCH, S., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2023): Benthic diatom diversity in a turbid brackish lagoon of the Baltic Sea. Phycologia.
KAMMANN, S., SCHIEFELBEIN, U., DOLNIK, C., MIKHAILYUK, T., DEMCHENKO, E., KARSTEN, U. & GLASER, K. (2023) Successional Development of the Phototrophic Community in Biological Soil Crusts on Coastal and Inland Dunes. Biology 12(1):58.
SCHUMANN, R. & BLINDOW, I. (2023) Comparison of abiotic parameters and dominant primary producers between the two main investigation areas. pp. 113-116. In: H. Schubert, F. Müller (eds.), Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis, Ecological Studies 246,
SCHUMANN, R., BERTHOLD, M., EGGERT, A., BLINDOW, I., FORSTER, S. & SCHUBERT, H. (2023) Short-term variability, long-term trends and seasonal aspects in the Darß-Zingst
Bodden Chain. pp. 117-128. In: H. Schubert, F. Müller (eds.), Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis, Ecological Studies 246,
PAAR, M., BERTHOLD, M., SCHUMANN, R. & BLINDOW, I. (2023) Carbon fluxes/food-webs: effect of macrophytes on food web characteristics in coastal lagoons. pp. 129-140. In: H. Schubert, F. Müller (eds.), Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis, Ecological Studies 246,
BLINDOW, I., FORSTER, S., SCHUBERT, H., SCHUMANN, R. & MÜLLER, F. (2023) Mechanisms of ecosystem service production: an outcome of ecosystem functions and ecological integrity in coastal lagoons. pp. 315-346. In: H. Schubert, F. Müller (eds.), Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis, Ecological Studies 246,
PRELLE, L., SCHMIDT, I., SCHIMANI, K, ZIMMERMANN, J., ABARCA, N., SKIBBE, O., JUCHEM, D. & KARSTEN, U. (2022): Photosynthetic, respirational, and growth responses of six benthic diatoms from the Antarctic Peninsula as functions of salinity and temperature variations. Genes 13, 1264.
PEDERSEN, Å.Ø., CONVEY P., ........., KARSTEN, U., ........ PUSHKAREVA, E., .......... & LOONEN, M.J.J.E. (2022) Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Polar Research 41, 6310.
PRELLE, L. & KARSTEN, U. (2022). Photosynthesis, respiration, and growth of five benthic diatom strains as a function of intermixing processes of coastal peatlands with the Baltic Sea. Microorganisms 10, 749
GALL, C., OHAN, J., GLASER, K., KARSTEN, U., SCHLOTER, M., SCHOLTEN, T., SCHULZ, S., SEITZ, S. & KURTH, J.K. (2022). Biocrusts: Overlooked hotspots of managed soils in mesic environments. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 185, 745– 751.
GLASER, K., VAN, A.T., PUSHKAREVA, E., BARRANTES, I. & KARSTEN, U. (2022) Microbial communities in biocrusts are recruited from the neighboring sand at coastal dunes along the Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology 13,859447.
MIKHAILYUK, T., VINOGRADOVA, O., HOLZINGER, A., GLASER, K., AKIMOV, Y. & KARSTEN, U. (2022) Timaviella dunensis sp. nov. from sand dunes of the Baltic Sea, Germany, and emendation of Timaviella edaphica (Elenkin) O.M. Vynogr. & Mikhailyuk (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria) based on an integrative approach. Phytotaxa 532, 192–208.
JUNG, P., SOMMER, V., KARSTEN, U. & LAKATOS, M. (2022). Salty Twins: Salt-tolerance of terrestrial Cyanocohniella strains (Cyanobacteria) and description of C. rudolphia sp. nov. point towards a marine origin of the genus and terrestrial long distance dispersal patterns. Microorganisms 10, 968.
AIGNER, S., ARC, E., SCHLETTER, M., KARSTEN, U., HOLZINGER, A. & KRANNER, I. (2022). Metabolite profiling in green microalgae with varying degrees of desiccation tolerance. Microorganisms 10, 946.
BORBUREMA, H.D.S., GRAIFF, A., KARSTEN, U. & MARINHO-SORIANO, E. (2022). Photobiological and biochemical responses of mangrove-associated red macroalgae Bostrychia calliptera and Bostrychia montagnei to short-term salinity stress related to climate change. Hydrobiologia, 1-16.
ALBRECHT, M., KHANIPOUR ROSHAN, S., FUCHS, L., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2022). Applicability and limitations of high-throughput algal growth rate measurements using in vivo fluorescence in microtiter plates. Journal of Applied Phycology34, 2037-2049.
KARSTEN, U., PEINE, M., GUSTAVS, L. & SCHUMANN R. (2022). Apatococcus lobatus (Trebouxiophyceae) dominates green algal biofilms on roof tiles in Northern Germany. Nova Hedwigia, 303-320. DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2022/0691
BAUMANN, K., JUNG, P., LEHNERT, L.W., SAMOLOV, E., BAUM, C., BENDIX, J, KARSTEN, U., BÜDEL, B. & LEINWEBER, P. (2022). Die Grüne Wüste Südamerikas? Ökologische Nischen für Pioniere in der Atacama. Biologie in Unserer Zeit 52, 58–65.
BORBUREMA, H.D.S., GRAIFF, A., MARINHO-SORIANO, E. & KARSTEN, U. (2022). Photosynthetic performance, growth, pigment content, and photoprotective compounds of the mangrove macroalgae Bostrychia calliptera and Bostrychia montagnei (Rhodophyta) under light stress. Frontiers in Marine Science 1687
ILICIC, D., WOODHOUSE, J.N., KARSTEN, U., ZIMMERMANN, J., WICHARD, T., QUARTINO, M.L., CAMPANA, G.L., LIVENETS, A. & GROSSART, H.P. (2022) Antarctic glacial meltwater impacts the diversity of fungal parasites associated with benthic diatoms in shallow coastal zones. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:805694. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.805694
BERMEJO, R., GALINDO-PONCE, M., GOLDEN, N., LINDERHOF, C., HEESCH, S., HERNANDEZ, I. & MORRISON, L. (2022) Two bloom forming species of Ulva (Chlorophyta) show different responses to seawater temperature, and no antagonistic interaction. Journal of Phycology
AKITA, S., VIEIRA, C., HANYUDA, T., ROUSSEAU, F., CRUAUD, C., COULOUX, A., HEESCH, S., COCK, J.M. & KAWAI, H. (2022) Providing a phylogenetic framework for trait-based analyses in brown algae: phylogenomic tree inferred from 32 nuclear protein-coding sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
GLASER, K., ALBRECHT, M., BAUMANN, K., OVERMANN, J. & SIKORSKI, J. (2022) Biological soil crust from mesic forests promote a specific bacteria community. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 769767.
VAN, A.T. & GLASER, K. (2022) Pseudostichococcus stands out from its siblings due to high salinity and desiccation tolerance. Phycology 2, 108–119.
SCHIMPF, N.M., LIESNER, D., FRANKE, K., ROLEDA, M.Y. & BARTSCH, I. (2022) Microscopic stages of North Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae) exhibit trait-dependent thermal adaptation along latitudes. Frontiers in Marine Science
GRAIFF, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Antioxidative properties of adult western Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) under ocean warming and acidification in a seasonally varying environment. Biology 10, 1330.
PUSHKAREVA, E., BARRANTES, I., LEINWEBER, P. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) An overview of microbial diversity in subarctic biocrusts from west Iceland based on amplicon metagenomic sequencing. Microorganisms9, 2195;
PAAR, M., BERTHOLD, M., SCHUMANN, R., DAHLKE, S. & BLINDOW I. (2021) Seasonal Variation in Biomass and Production of the Macrophytobenthos in two Lagoons in the Southern Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:542391. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.542391
DIEHL, N., ROLEDA, M.Y., BARTSCH, I., KARSTEN, U. & BISCHOF, K. (2021) Summer heatwave impacts on the European kelp Saccharina latissima across its latitudinal distribution gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 695821. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.695821
SOMMER, V., PALM, A., SCHINK, A., LEINWEBER, P., GOSE, N., KARSTEN, U. & GLASER, K. (2021) Artificial biocrust establishment on materials of potash tailings piles along a salinity gradient. Journal of Applied Phycology,
ZENOUZI, K.L., KABOLI, S.H., KHAVAZI, K., SOHRABI, M., KHOSROHSAHI, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Selecting phototrophic species of native biocrusts in arid and semi-arid regions. Environmental Health Engineering and Management Journal 8: 153–167. doi 10.34172/EHEM.2021.19
ROLEDA, M.Y. & HEESCH, S. (2021). Chemical profiling of Ulva species for food applications: what is in a name? Food Chemistry.
KARSTEN, U., KURIYAMA, K., HÜBENER, T. & WOELFEL, J. (2021) Benthic diatoms on sheltered coastal sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea - seasonal community production and respiration: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, 949;
VAN, A. T., KARSTEN, U., & GLASER, K. (2021). A chemosystematic investigation of selected Stichococcus-like organisms (Trebouxiophyta). Algae 36: 123-135; doi: 10.4490/algae.2021.36.6.5.
BAUMANN, K., ECKHARDT, K.U., ACKSEL, A., GROS, P., GLASER, K., GILLESPIE, A.W., KARSTEN, U. & LEINWEBER, P. (2021). Contribution of biological soil crusts to soil organic matter composition and stability in temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160: 108315;
GAMBICHLER, V., ZUCCARELLO, G.C. & KARSTEN, U. (2021). Physiological responses to salt stress by native and introduced red algae in New Zealand. Algae 36: 137-146;
HOLZINGER, A., OBWEGESER, S., ANDOSCH, A., KARSTEN, U., OPPERMANN, C., RUTH, W., VAN DE MEENE, A., GOODMAN, C.D., LÜTZ-MEINDL, U. & WEST, J.A. (2021). The red alga Tsunamia transpacifica (Stylonematophyceae) from plastic drift: Ultrastructure, phosphorus and trace element accumulation and soluble low-molecular weight carbohydrate composition. Protoplasma;
FRANKE, K., LIESNER, D., HEESCH, S. & BARTSCH, I. (2021). Looks can be deceiving: contrasting temperature characteristics of two morphologically similar kelp species co-occurring in the Arctic. Botanica Marina;
SOMMER, V., KOCHX, M., KARSTEN, U., WÖLK, A., SCHMEISKY, A. & GOSE, N. (2021) Biologische Bodenkrusten auf den Rückständen der IHS-Pilothalde in Zielitz. Spontane Besiedlung durch Mikroalgen als erster Sukzessionsschritt der natürlichen Begrünung. Kali und Steinsalz - Fachzeitschrift für den Kali- und Steinsalz-Bergbau 1, 28-34.
GRAIFF, A., BARTSCH, I., GLASER, K. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Seasonal photophysiological performance of adult western Baltic Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) under ocean warming and acidification. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 476; doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.666493
PRELLE, L.R., ALBRECHT, M., KARSTEN, U., DAMER, P., GIESE, T., JÄHNS, J., MÜLLER, S., SCHULZ, L., VIERTEL, L. & GLASER, K. (2021) Ecophysiological and cell biological traits of benthic diatoms from coastal wetlands of the southern Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 642811; https:// doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.642811
PUSHKAREVA, E., SOMMER, V., BARRANTES, I. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Diversity of microorganisms in biocrusts surrounding highly saline potash tailings piles in Germany. Microorganisms 9: 714;
RUSSNAK, V., RODRIGUEZ-LANETTY, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Photophysiological tolerance and thermal plasticity of genetically different Symbiodiniaceae endosymbiont species of Cnidaria. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 657348; doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.657348
MIKHAILYUK, T.I., VINOGRADOVA, O.M., GLASER, K., RYBALKA, N.A., DEMCHENKO, E.M. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Algae of biological soil crusts from sand dunes of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Odesa Region, Ukraine). International Journal on Algae 23: 7-42; DOI:10.1615/InterJAlgae.v23.i1.20
KURIYAMA, K., GRÜNDLING-PFAFF, S., DIEHL, N., WOELFEL, J. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Microphytobenthic primary production on exposed coastal sandy sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea using ex-situ sediment cores and oxygen optodes. Oceanologia 63: 247-260;
PUSHKAREVA, E., BAUMANN, K., TU VAN, A., MIKHAILYUK, T., BAUM, C., HRYNKIEWICZ, K., DEMCHENKO, E., THIEM, D., KÖPCKE, T., KARSTEN, U. & LEINWEBER, P. (2021) Diversity of microbial phototrophs and heterotrophs in Icelandic biocrusts and their role in phosphorus-rich Andosols. Geoderma 386: 114905;
GAMBICHLER, V., ZUCCARELLO, G.C. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Seasonal changes in stress metabolites of native and introduced red algae in New Zealand. Journal of Applied Phycology 33, 1157–1170;
ROSHAN, S.K., DUMACK, K., BONKOWSKI, M., LEINWEBER, P., KARSTEN, U. & GLASER, K. (2021) Algivorous Protists in Biological Soil Crusts from temperate coastal dunes and subarctic grasslands. Microorganisms 9, 205;
MEDWED, C., HOLZINGER, A., HOFER, S., HARTMANN, A., MICHALIK, D., GLASER, K. & KARSTEN, U. (2021) Ecophysiological, morphological and biochemical traits of free-living Diplosphaera chodatii (Trebouxiophyceae) reveal adaptation to harsh environmental conditions. Protoplasma;
PAAR, M., BERTHOLD, M., SCHUMANN, R., DAHLKE, S. & BLINDOW, I. (2021) Seasonal Variation in Biomass and Production of the Macrophytobenthos in two Lagoons in the Southern Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:542391; doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.542391
KURTH, J., ALBRECHT, M., KARSTEN, U., GLASER, K., SCHLOTER, M. & SCHULZ, S. (2021) Drivers for the abundance of bacteria catalyzing phosphorous turnover in biological soil crusts of temperate forests of Germany. Biology and Fertility of Soils 57: 179–192;
SIEMENSMA, F., HOLZMANN, M., APOTHELOZ-PERRET-GENTIL, L., CLAUß, S., VOELCKER, E., BETTIGHOFER, W., KHANIPOUR ROSHAN, S., WALDEN, S., DUMACK, K. & PAWSLOWSKI, J. (2020) Broad sampling of monothalamids (Rhizaria, Foraminifera) gives further insight into diversity of non-marine Foraminifera. European Journal of Protistology (in press);
SOMMER, V., MIKHAILYUK, T., GLASER, K. & KARSTEN, U. (2020) Uncovering unique green algae and Cyanobacteria isolated from biocrusts in extremely saline potash tailings-piles habitats using an integrative approach. Microorganisms 8: article 1667; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8111667
AIGNER, S., GLASER, K., ARC, E., HOLZINGER, A., SCHLETTER, M., KARSTEN, U. & KRANNER, I. (2020) Adaptation to aquatic and terrestrial environments in Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta). Frontiers in Microbiology 11: article 585836; DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.585836
ROSHAN, S.K., DUMACK, K., BONKOWSKI, M., KARSTEN, U. & GLASER, K. (2020) Identification of heterotrophic protists in biological soil crusts from sand dunes (Baltic Sea coastal line). Pedobiologia,
MUTINOVA, P.T., KAHLERT, M., KUPILAS, B., McKIE, B.G., FRIBERG, N. & BURDON, F.J. (2020). Benthic diatom communities in urban streams and the role of riparian buffers. Water 12: article 2799; doi:10.3390/w12102799
GLASER, K. & KARSTEN, U. (2020) Salinity tolerance in biogeographically different strains of the marine benthic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology; doi:10.1007/s10811-020-02238-6
KREYLING, J., SCHUMANN, R. & WEIGEL, R. (2020) Soils from cold and snowy temperate deciduous forests release more nitrogen and phosphorus after soil freeze–thaw cycles than soils from warmer, snow-poor conditions. Biogeosciences 17, 4103–4117.
SAMOLOV, E., BAUMANN, K., BÜDEL, B., JUNG, P., LEINWEBER, P., MIKHAILYUK, T., KARSTEN, U. & GLASER, K. (2020) Biodiversity of algae and cyanobacteria in biological soil crusts collected along a climatic gradient in Chile using an integrative approach. Microorganisms 8, 1047; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8071047
BERTHOLD, M. & SCHUMANN, R. (2020) Phosphorus Dynamics in a Eutrophic Lagoon: Uptake and Utilization of Nutrient Pulses by Phytoplankton. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:281. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00281
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MIGUEZ, F., HOLZINGER, A., FERNANDEZ-MARIN, B., GARCIA-PLAZAOLA, J., KARSTEN, U. & GUSTAVS, L. (2020). Cold adaptation and spore formation in Klebsormidium cf. flaccidum (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta) isolated from a sand dune at the Baltic Sea. Journal of Phycology, doi: 10.1111/JPY.12971-19-180
MIKHAILYUK, T., HOLZINGER, A., TSARENKO, P., GLASER, K., DEMCHENKO, E. & KARSTEN, U. (2020) Dictyosphaerium-like morphotype in terrestrial algae: what is Xerochlorella (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)? Journal of Phycology 56, 671–686; DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12974
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JUNG, P., SCHERMER, M., BRIEGEL-WILLIAMS, L., BAUMANN, K., KARSTEN, U.; LEINWEBER, P., LEHNERT, J., ACHILLES, S., BENDIX, J. & BÜDEL, B. (2019) Water availability shapes edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities in the Atacama Desert. Journal of Phycology 55, 1306–1318; DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12908
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MIKHAILYUK, T., GLASER, K., TSARENKO, P., DEMCHENKO, E. & KARSTEN, U. (2019) Composition of biological soil crusts from sand dunes of the Baltic Sea coast in the context of an integrative approach for the taxonomy of microalgae and cyanobacteria. European Journal of Phycology 54, 263-290.
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MIKHAILYUK, T., VINOGRADOVA, O., GLASER, K., DEMCHENKO, E. & KARSTEN, U. (2018) Diversity of terrestrial algae of Cape Kazantip (the Sea of Azov, Ukraine) and some remarks on their phylogeny and ecology. International Journal on Algae 20, 313-338.
HARTMANN, A., GANZERA, M., KARSTEN, U., SKHIRTLADZE, A. & STUPPNER, H. (2018) Separation and analysis of novel sulfated coumarins in the marine green macroalga Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser. Molecules 23, 2735
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GRAIFF, A., RUTH, W. & KARSTEN, U. (2018) Identification and quantification of laminarins in brown algae. In: Charrier, B., Wichard, T., Reddy, C.R.K. [Eds.]: Protocols for macroalgal research, pp. 212-224, ISBN-13: 978-1-4987-9642-2
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MIKHAILYUK, T., LUKESOVA, A., GLASER, K., HOLZINGER, A., OBWEGESER, S., NYPORKO, S., FRIEDL, T. & KARSTEN, U. (2018) New taxa of streptophyte algae (Streptophyta) from terrestrial habitats revealed using an integrative approach. Protist 169, 406-431.
HOTTER, V., GLASER, K., HARTMANN, A., GANZERA, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2018) The polyol D-sorbitol and UV-sunscreen mycosporine like amino acids as suitable chemotaxonomic markers within the Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 54, 264-274. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12619.
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AIGNER, S., HERBURGER, K., HOLZINGER, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2018) Epilithic Chamaesiphon (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria) species in mountain streams of the Alps – interspecific differences in photo-physiological traits. Journal of Applied Phycology 30, 1125–1134. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1328-7
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AIGNER, S., HOLZINGER, A., KARSTEN, U. & KRANNER, I. (2017) The freshwater red alga Batrachospermum turfosum can acclimate to a wide range of temperature and light conditions. European Journal of Phycology 52, 238–249. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2016.1274430
BOEDEKER, C., O’KELLY, C.J., WEST, J.A., HANYUDA, T., NEALE, A., WAKANA, I., WILCOX, M.D., KARSTEN, U. & ZUCCARELLO, G.C. (2017) Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Wittrockiella (Pithophoraceae, Cladophorales), including the descriptions of W. australis sp. nov. and W. zosterae sp. nov.. Journal of Phycology 53, 522–540. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12530
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BAUMANN, K., GLASER, K., MUTZ, J.E., KARSTEN, U., MACLENNAN, A., HU, Y., MICHALIK, D., KRUSE, J., ECKHARDT, K.U., SCHALL, P. & LEINWEBER, P. (2017) Biological soil crusts of temperate forests: Their role in P cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 109, 156-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.02.011
SCHOLZ, B., KÜPPER, F., VYVERMAN, W., OLAFSSON, H.G. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) Chytridiomycosis of marine diatoms - The potential role of chemotactic triggers and defense molecules in parasite-host interactions. Marine Drugs 15, 26. DOI: 10.3390/md15020026
HOLZINGER, A., HERBURGER, K., BLAAS, K., LEWIS, L.A. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) The terrestrial green macroalga Prasiola calophylla (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta): Ecophysiological performance under water limiting conditions. Protoplasma 254, 1755–1767. DOI: 10.1007/s00709-016-1068-6
BORCHHARDT, N., SCHIEFELBEIN, U., ABARCA, N., BOY, J., MIKHAILYUK, T., SIPMAN, H. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) Diversity of algae and lichens in biological soil crusts of Ardley and King George Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 29, 229-237. DOI: 10.1017/S0954102016000638
SCHAUB, I., WAGNER, H., GRAEVE, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) Effects of prolonged darkness and temperature on the lipid metabolism in the benthic diatom Navicula perminuta from the Arctic Adventfjorden, Svalbard. Polar Biology40, 1425–1439. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-016-2067-y
GRAIFF, A., DANKWORTH, M., WAHL, M., KARSTEN, U. & BARTSCH, I. (2017) Seasonal variations of Fucus vesiculosus fertility under ocean acidification and warming in the western Baltic Sea. Botanica Marina 60, 239-255. DOI: 10.1515/bot-2016-0081
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DONNER, A., RYSANEK, D., MIKHAILYUK, T. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) Ecophysiological traits of various genotypes of a green key alga in biological soil crusts from the semi-arid Colorado Plateau, USA. Journal of Applied Phycology 29, 2911–2923. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1158-7
MIGUEZ, F., SCHIEFELBEIN, U., KARSTEN, U., GARCIA-PLAZAOLA , J.I. & GUSTAVS, L. (2017) Unravelling the photoprotective response of lichenized and free-living green algae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) to photochilling stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1144. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01144
WEIGELT, R., LIPPERT, H., KARSTEN, U. & BASTROP, R. (2017) Genetic population structure and demographic history of the widespread common shipworm Teredo navalis Linnaeus 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae) in European waters inferred from mitochondrial COI sequence data. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 4, 196. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00196
BERTHOLD, M., KARSTEN, U., VON WEBER, M., BACHOR, A. & SCHUMANN, R. (2018) Phytoplankton can bypass nutrient reductions in eutrophicated coastal water bodies. AMBIO 47, 146–158. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-017-0980-0
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BORCHHARDT, N., BAUM, C., MIKHAILYUK, T. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) Biological soil crusts of Arctic Svalbard – biodiversity, pedological and microclimatic factors. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1485. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01485
VINOGRADOVA, O.N., MIKHAILYUK, T., GLASER, K.; HOLZINGER, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2017) New species of Oculatella (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria) from terrestrial habitats of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal 74, 509–520.
SCHOLZ, U., KÜPER, F.C., VYVERMAN, W. & KARSTEN, U. (2016) Effects of eukaryotic pathogens (Chytridiomycota and Oomycota) on marine microphytobenthic diatom community compositions in the Solthörn tidal flat. European Journal of Phycology 51, 253-269. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2015.1134814
HERBRUGER, K., KARSTEN, U. & HOLZINGER, A. (2016) Entransia and Hormidiella, sister lineages of Klebsormidium (Streptophyta), respond differently to light, temperature and desiccation stress. Protoplasma 253,1309-1323. DOI: 10.1007/s00709-015-0889-z
SCHOLZ, B., GUILLOU, L., MARANO, A., NEUHAUSER, S., SULLIVAN, B.K., KARSTEN, U., KUPPER, FC & GLEASON, F.H. (2016) Zoosporic parasites infecting marine diatoms - A black box that need to be opened. Fungal Ecology 19, 59–76. DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2015.09.002
KARSTEN, U., HERBURGER, K. & HOLZINGER, A. (2016) Photosynthetic plasticity in the green algal species Klebsormidium flaccidum (Streptophyta) from a terrestrial and a freshwater habitat. Phycologia 56, 213-220. DOI: 10.2216/16-85.1
SANCHEZ DE PEDRO, R., KARSTEN, U., XIELL, F.X. & CARMONA R (2016) Intraspecific phenotypic variation in two estuarine rhodophytes across their intertidal zonation. Marine Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00227-016-2997-5
WERNER, F.J., GRAIFF, A. & MATTHIESSEN, B. (2016) Even moderate nutrient enrichment negatively adds up to global climate change effects on a habitat-forming seaweed system. Limnology and Oceanography. DOI: 10.1002/lno.10342
GRAIFF, A., PANTOJA, J.F., TALA, F. & THIEL, M. (2016) Epibiont load causes sinking of viable kelp rafts - seasonal variation in floating persistence of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. Marine Biology 163:191. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-016-2962-3
LEINWEBER, P., JANDL, G., KARSTEN, U., LENNARTZ, B., SCHUMANN, R., WIMMERS, K. & ZIMMER, D. (2016) Stoffdatenblatt: Phosphate. In: Bodengefährdende Stoffe: Bewertung - Stoffdaten - Ökotoxikologie – Sanierung. (N. Litz, W. Wilcke, B.-M. Wilke (eds.), Wiley-VCH. Aktuelles Grundwerk 16. Ergänzungslieferung mit Ordner, 1-30. DOI: 10.1002/9783527678501.bgs2016002
PFAFF, S., GUSTAVS, L., REICHARDT, A., JASKULKE, R., EWALD, H., GÄBLER-SCHWARZ, S. & KARSTEN, U. (2016) Ecophysiological plasticity in the Arctic phytoplankton species Phaeocystis pouchetii (Prymnesiophyceae, Haptophyta). Algological Studies 151/152, 87–102. DOI: 10.1127/algol_stud/2016/0260
KAMIYA, M., WEST, J.A., KARSTEN, U. & GANESAN, E.K. (2016) Molecular and morphological delineation of Caloglossa beccarii complex (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 55, 640–649. DOI: 10.2216/16-19.1
AL-JANABI, B., KRUSE, I., GRAIFF, A., WINDE, V., LENZ, M., WAHL, M. (2016) Buffering and amplifying interactions among OAW (ocean acidification & warming) and nutrient enrichment on early life-stage Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) and their carry over effects to hypoxia impact. PLoS ONE 11:1–18 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152948
MENSCH, B., NEULINGER, S.C., GRAIFF, A., PANSCH, A., KÜNZEL, S., FISCHER, M.A., SCHMITZ-STREIT, R.A. (2016) Restructuring of epibacterial communities on Fucus vesiculosus forma mytili in response to elevated pCO2 and increased temperature levels. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1–15 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00434
WERNER, F.J., GRAIFF, A., MATTHIESSEN, B. (2016) Temperature effects on seaweed-sustaining top-down control vary with season. Oecologia 180:889–901 DOI: 10.1007/s00442-015-3489-x
KARSTEN, U., HERBURGER, K. & HOLZINGER, A. (2016) Living in biological soil crust communities of African deserts – physiological traits of green algal Klebsormidium species (Streptophyta) to cope with desiccation, light and temperature gradients.Journal of Plant Physiology 194, 2–12. DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2015.09.002
SCHLIE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2016) Growth of the Antarctic benthic diatom Navicula sp. at different temperatures and salinities. Algological Studies 151/152, 39–50.
AL-JANABI, B., KRUSE, I., GRAIFF, A., KARSTEN, U. & WAHL, M. (2016) Genotypic variation influences tolerance to warming and acidification of early life-stage Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) in a seasonally fluctuating environment. Marine Biology 163:1–15. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152948
GUSTAVS, L., SCHUMANN, R., KARSTEN, U. & LORENZ, M. (2016) Mixotrophy in the terrestrial green alga Apatococcus lobatus (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 52, 311-314. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12381
STACHURA-SUCHOPLES, K., ENKE, N., SCHLIE, C., SCHAUB, I., KARSTEN, U. & JAHN, R. (2016) Contribution towards a molecular taxonomic reference library of Arctic benthic marine diatoms from Kongsfjorden. Polar Biology39, 1933–1956. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-015-1683-2
SCHULZ, K., MIKHAILYUK, T., DREßLER, M., LEINWEBER, P. & KARSTEN, U. (2016) Biological soil crusts from coastal dunes at the Baltic Sea: cyanobacterial and algal biodiversity and related soil properties. Microbial Ecology 71, 178-193. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-015-0691-7
HARTMANN, A., HOLZINGER, A., GANZERA, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2016) Prasiolin, a new UV-sunscreen compound in the terrestrial green macroalga Prasiola calophylla (Carmichael ex Greville) Kützing (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Planta 243,161–169. DOI: 10.1007/s00425-015-2396-z
WEIGELT, R., LIPPERT, H., BORGES, L., APPELQVIST, C., KARSTEN, U. & BASTROP, R. (2016) First time DNA barcoding of the common shipworm Teredo navalis Linnaeus 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae): molecular-taxonomic investigation and identification of a widespread wood-borer. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 475, 154-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.11.008
PFAFF, S., BORCHHARDT, N., BOY, J., KARSTEN, U. & GUSTAVS, L. (2016) Desiccation tolerance and growth-temperature requirements of Coccomyxa (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) strains from Antarctic biological soil crusts. Algological Studies 151/152, 3–19. DOI: 10.1127/algol_stud/2016/0245
GRAIFF, A., BARTSCH, I., RUTH, W., WAHL, M., KARSTEN, U. (2015) Season exerts differential effects of ocean acidification and warming on growth and carbon metabolism of the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus in the western Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 2:1–18. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00112
BERTHOLD, M., ZIMMER, D. & SCHUMANN, R. (2015) A simplified method for total phosphorus digestion with potassium persulphate at sub-boiling temperatures in different environmental samples. Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge 25, 7-25.
HARTMANN, A., BECKER, K., KARSTEN, U., REMIAS, D. & GANZERA, M. (2015) Analysis of mycosporine-like amino acids by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and a novel MAA from the alga Catenella repens. Marine Drugs 13, 6291-6305; DOI: 10.3390/md13106291
MIKHAILYUK, T., GLASER, K., HOLZINGER, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2015) Biodiversity of Klebsormidium (Streptophyta) from alpine biological soil crusts (Alps, Tyrol, Austria and Italy). Journal of Phycology 51, 750-767. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12316
KITZING, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2015) Effects of UV radiation on optimum quantum yield and sunscreen contents in members of the genera Interfilum, Klebsormidium, Hormidiella and Entransia (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta). European Journal of Phycology 50, 279-287. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2015.1031190
DARIENKO T, GUSTAVS L, Eggert A, WOLF W, PRÖSCHOLD T (2015) Evaluating the Species Boundaries of Green Microalgae (Coccomyxa, Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) Using Integrative Taxonomy and DNA Barcoding with Further Implications for the Species Identification in Environmental Samples. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127838. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127838
GRAIFF, A., LIESNER, D., KARSTEN, U., BARTSCH, I. (2015) Temperature tolerance of western Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosus – growth, photosynthesis and survival. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 471:8–16 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.05.009
RICKERT, E., KARSTEN, U., POHNERT, G. & WAHL, M. (2015) Seasonal fluctuations of chemical defenses against macrofouling in Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus from the Baltic Sea. Biofouling 31, 363-377. DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2015.1041020
GRAIFF, A., RUTH, W., KRAGL, U., KARSTEN, U. (2015) Chemical characterization and quantification of the brown algal storage compound laminarin — A new methodological approach. Journal of Applied Phycology 28:533–543. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-015-0563-z
WOELFEL, J., SCHOKNECHT, A., SCHAUB, I., ENKE, N., SCHUMANN, R., & KARSTEN, U. (2014) Growth and photosynthesis characteristics of three benthic diatoms from the brackish Southern Baltic Sea in relation to varying environmental conditions. Phycologia 51, 639-651. DOI: 10.2216/14-019.1
SCHOLZ, U., KÜPER, F.C., VYVERMAN, W. & KARSTEN, U. (2014) Eukaryotic pathogen (Chytridiomycota and Oomycota) infecting marine microphytobenthic diatoms - a method comparison. Journal of Phycology 50, 1009-1019. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12230
NITSCHKE, U., EGGERT, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2014) Physiological performance of the ancestral red alga Stylonema alsidii (Stylonematophyceae) under varying salinities. Journal of Experimental Marine Biological and Ecology460, 170-176. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.07.007
KARSTEN, U., HERBURGER, K. & HOLZINGER, A. (2014) Dehydration, temperature, and light tolerance in members of the aeroterrestrial green algal genus Interfilum (Streptophyta) from biogeographically different temperate soils. J. Phycol., 50: 804–816. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12210
PANSCH, C., SCHAUB, I., HAVENHAND, J. & WAHL, M. (2014) Habitat traits and food availability determine the response of marine invertebrates to ocean acidification. Global Change Biology 20, 765–777. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12478
MIKHAILYUK, T., HOLZINGER, A., MASSALSKI, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2014) Morphological and ultrastructural aspects of Interfilum and Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiales, Streptophyta) with special reference to cell division and thallus formation. European Journal of Phycology 49, 395–412. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2014.949308
KLEIMEIER, C., KARSTEN, U. & LENNARTZ, B. (2014) Suitability of degraded peat for constructed wetlands — Hydraulic properties and nutrient flushing. Geoderma 228-229, 25-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.12.026
GLADIS-SCHMACKA, F., GLATZEL, S., KARSTEN, U., BÖTTCHER, H. & SCHUMANN, R. (2014) Influence of local climate and climate change on aeroterrestrial microalgal biofilms. Biofouling 30, 401-414. DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2013.878334
WOELFEL, J., EGGERT, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2014) Marginal impacts of rising temperature on Arctic benthic microalgae production based on in situ measurements and modelled estimates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 501, 25–40. DOI: 10.3354/meps10688
KARSTEN, U. & HOLZINGER, A. (2014) Green algae in alpine biological soil crust communities: acclimation strategies against ultraviolet radiation and dehydration. Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 1845-1858. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0653-2
KITZING, C., PRÖSCHOLD, T. & KARSTEN, U. (2014) UV-induced effects on growth, photosynthetic performance and sunscreen contents in different populations of the green alga Klebsormidium fluitans (Streptophyta) from alpine soil crusts. Microbial Ecology 67, 327-340. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-013-0317-x
WEST, J.A., KAMIYA, M., LOISEAUX DE GOER, S., KARSTEN, U. & ZUCCARELLO, G. (2013) Observations on some Mangrove-Associated Algae from the western Pacific (Guam, Chuuk, Kosrae & Pohnpei).Algae 28, 1-26. DOI: 10.4490/algae.2013.28.3.241
SENJARINI, K., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2013) Application of fluorescence markers for the diagnosis of bacterial abundance and viability in aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Microbiology Research 3(4), 143-147. DOI: 10.5923/j.microbiology.20130304.03
KEBELMANN, K., HORNUNG, A., KARSTEN, U. & GRIFFITHS, G. (2013) Thermo-chemical behaviour and chemical product formation from Polar seaweeds during intermediate pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 104, 131–138. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2013.08.012
IFTIKAR, A., FALODUN, A., JOSEPHS, GC, HUSSAIN, H., KARSTEN, U. & LANGER, P. (2013) Characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of epiafzelechin from the stem bark of Calliandra surinamensis Benth. African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development5, 25-29.
HOLZINGER, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2013) Review - Desiccation stress and tolerance in green algae: consequences for ultrastructure, physiological and molecular mechanisms. Frontiers in Plant Science 4, article 327. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00327
KARSTEN, U., PRÖSCHOLD, T., MIKHAILYUK, T. & HOLZINGER, A. (2013). Photosynthetic performance of different genotypes of the green alga Klebsormidiumsp. (Streptophyta) isolated from biological soil crusts of the Alps.Algological Studies 142, 45-62. DOI: 10.1127/1864-1318/2013/0102
AIGNER, S., REMIAS, D., KARSTEN, U. & HOLZINGER, A. (2013). Unusual phenolic compounds contribute to the ecophysiological performance in the purple coloured green alga Zygogonium ericetorum (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) from a high alpine habitat. Journal of Phycology 49, 648-660. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12075
LIPPERT, H., WEIGELT, R., BASTROP, R., BUGENHAGEN, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2013). Holzzerstörer in der Ostsee - Schiffsbohrmuscheln auf dem Vormarsch? Biologie in unserer Zeit 43, 46-53. DOI: 10.1002/biuz.201310500
KEBELMANN, K., HORNUNG, A., KARSTEN, U. & GRIFFITHS, G. (2013). Intermediate pyrolysis and product identification by TGA and Py-GC/MS of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris and their extracted protein and lipid components. Biomass & Bioenergy 49, 38-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.12.006
BOEDEKER, C., KARSTEN, U., LELIAERT, F. & ZUCCARELLO, G.C. (2013). Molecular, biochemical and morphological data suggest an affiliation of Spongiochrysis hawaiiensis with the Trentepohliales (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta). Phycological Research 61, 133-144.DOI: 10.1111/pre.12011
GRAIFF, A., KARSTEN, U., MEYER, S., PFENDER, D., TALA, F., THIEL, M. (2013) Seasonal variation in floating persistence of detached Durvillaea antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot thalli. Botanica Marina 56:3–14 DOI: 10.1515/bot-2012-0193
OREJAS, C., ROSSI, S., PERALBA, A., GARCIA, E., GILI, J.M. & LIPPERT, H.(2013) Feeding ecology and trophic impact of the hydroid Obelia dichotoma in the Kongsfjorden. Polar Biology 36: 61-72, DOI: 10.1007/s00300-012-1239-7
KARSTEN, U. & HOLZINGER, A. (2012) Light, temperature and desiccation effects on photosynthetic activity, and drought-induced ultrastructural changes in the green alga Klebsormidium sp. (Streptophyta) from a high alpine soil crust. Microbial Ecology 63, 51-63.
WESSELS, H., KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & HAGEN, W. (2012) Fatty acids as potential trophic markers in Arctic benthic systems: Feeding experiments with nine diets of macroalgae offered to sea urchins and amphipods. Polar Biology 35, 555-565.
KARSTEN, U., SCHLIE, C., WOELFEL, J. & BECKER, B. (2012) Benthic diatoms in Arctic waters - ecological functions and adaptations. Polarforschung 81, 77-84.
NAHON, S., NOZAIS, C., DEBOUTTEVILLE, J.D., ESCOUBEYROU, K.,DESMALADES, M., PRUSKI, A., KARSTEN, U. & CHARLES, F. (2012) Trophic relationships and UV-absorbing compounds in a Mediterranean medio-littoral rocky shore community. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology424–425, 59–65.
KARSTEN, U. (2012) Seaweed acclimation to salinity and desiccation stress. In: Seaweed Biology (WIENCKE, C. & BISCHOF, K. Eds.), Ecological Studies 219, Springer-Verlag, 87-107.
KARSTEN, U., BAUDLER, H., HIMMEL, B., JASKULKE, R., EWALD, H. & SCHUMANN, R. (2012). Short-term measurements of exposure and inundation of sediment areas in a tide-less wind flat system at the Southern Baltic Sea coast. Journal of Marine Systems 105-108, 187-193.
GLADIS, F. & SCHUMANN, R. (2011) A suggested standardised method for testing photocatalytic inactivation of aeroterrestrial algal growth on TiO2-coated glass. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2011.01.005
GLADIS, F. & SCHUMANN, R. (2011) Influence of material properties and photocatalysis on phototrophic growth in multi-year roof weathering. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65, 36-44.
GLUD, R.N., WOELFEL, J., KARSTEN, U., KÜHL, M. & RYSGAARDS, S. (2011) Benthic microalgal production in the Arctic: applied methods and status of the current database. In: Biology of Polar Benthic Algae (WIENCKE, C. Ed.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 141-162.
GOMEZ, I., WULFF, A., ROLEDA, M.Y., HUOVINEN, P., KARSTEN; U., QUARTINO, L., DUNTON, K. & WIENCKE, C. (2011) Light and temperature demands of marine benthic microalgae and seaweeds in the polar regions. In: Biology of Polar Benthic Algae (WIENCKE, C. Ed.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 195-220.
GUSTAVS, L., GÖRS, M. & KARSTEN, U. (2011) Polyols as chemotaxonomic markers to differentiate between aeroterrestrial green algae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 47, 533–537.
HOLZINGER, A., LÜTZ, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2011) Desiccation stress causes structural and ultra-structural alterations in the aeroterrestrial green alga Klebsormidium crenulatum (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta) isolated from an alpine soil crust. Journal of Phycology 47, 591–602.
KARSTEN, U. (2011) Ursachen der Veralgung von Gebäuden. Holztechnologie 52 (4), 47-50.
KARSTEN, U. & HOLZINGER, A. (2012) Light, temperature and desiccation effects on photosynthetic activity, and drought-induced ultrastructural changes in the green alga Klebsormidium sp. (Streptophyta) from a high alpine soil crust. Microbial Ecology 63, 51-63.
KARSTEN, U., WULFF, A., ROLEDA, M.Y., MÜLLER, R., STEINHOFF, F., FREDERSDORF, J. & WIENCKE, C. (2011) Physiological responses of polar benthic micro- and macroalgae to ultraviolet radiation. In: Biology of Polar Benthic Algae (WIENCKE, C. Ed.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 271-297.
ROTHÄUSLER, E., GOMEZ, I., HINOJOSA, I., KARSTEN, U., MIRANDA, L., TALA, F. & THIEL, M. (2011) Synergistic effects of abiotic and biotic factors determine rafting dispersal of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in the Humboldt Current System. Limnology and Oceanography 56, 1751-1763
ROTHÄUSLER, E., GOMEZ, I., HINOJOSA, I.A., KARSTEN, U., TALA, F. & THIEL, M. (2011) Physiological performance of floating giant kelp Macrocystis spp. (Phaeophyceae): latitudinal variability in the effects of temperature and grazing. Journal of Phycology 47, 269–281.
ROTHÄUSLER, E., GOMEZ, I., KARSTEN, U., TALA, F. & THIEL, M. (2011) Physiological acclimation of floating Macrocystis pyrifera to temperature and irradiance ensures long-term persistence at the sea surface at mid-latitudes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 405, 33–41.
ROTHÄUSLER, E., TALA, F., GOMEZ, I., KARSTEN, U. & THIEL, M. (2011) Effect of UV radiation and herbivory on growth, reproduction and physiological performance of floating giant kelp Macrocystis spp. (Phaeophyceae) along the Chilean Pacific coast. Marine Biology 158, 127–141.
SCHLIE, C., WOELFEL, J., RÜDIGER, F., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2011) Ecophysiological performance of benthic diatoms from Arctic waters. In: Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology (SECKBACH, J. & KOCIOLEK, P., Eds.) The Diatom World, p. 425-436.
WESSELS, H., KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & HAGEN, W. (2012) Fatty acids as potential trophic markers in Arctic benthic systems: Feeding experiments with nine diets of macroalgae offered to sea urchins and amphipods. Polar Biology 35, 555-565.
WOELFEL, J., SCHUMANN, R., LEOPOLD, P., WIENCKE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2011) Microphytobenthos standing stock along gradients of physical conditions in Arctic Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. In: Biology of Polar Benthic Algae (WIENCKE, C. Ed.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 163-179.
YANG, E.C., SCOTT, J., WEST, J.A., YOON, H.S., YOKOYAMA, A., KARSTEN, U., DE GOER, S.L. & ORLOVA, E. (2011) Erythrolobus australicus sp. nov. (Porphyridiophyceae, Rhodophyta): A description based on several approaches. Algae 26, 167-180.
DARIENKO, T., GUSTAVS, L., MUDIMU, O., MENENDEZ, C.R., SCHUMANN, R., KARSTEN, U., FRIEDL, T. & PRÖSCHOLD, T. (2010) Chloroidium, a common terrestrial coccoid green alga previously assigned to Chlorella (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). European Journal of Phycology, 45, 79-95.
EGGERT, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) Low molecular weight carbohydrates in red algae – an ecophysiological and biochemical perspective. In: Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology (SECKBACH, J., CHAPMAN, D. & WEBER, A., Eds.) Red Algae in the Genomics Age, p. 445-456.
GLADIS, F., EGGERT, A., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2010) Prevention of biofilm growth on man-made surfaces. Evaluation of antialgal activity of two biocides and photocatalytic nanoparticles. Biofouling 26, 89-101.
GÖRS, M., GUSTAVS, L., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) Ergosterol as a chemotaxonomic marker to differentiate between “Chlorella”-species (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology (in press)
GUSTAVS, L., EGGERT, A., MICHALIK, D. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) Physiological and biochemical responses of aeroterrestrial green algae (Trebouxiophyceae) to osmotic and matric stress. Protoplasma 243 (1-4): 3-14.
HEYL, K., WOELFEL, J., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) Microbial mats from wind flats of the Southern Baltic Sea. In: Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology (SECKBACH, J. & OREN, A., Eds.) Microbial Mats, p. 303-319.
KARSTEN, U., LÜTZ, C. & HOLZINGER, A. (2010) Ecophysiological performance of the aeroterrestrial green alga Klebsormidium crenulatum (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta) isolated from an alpine soil crust with an emphasis on desiccation stress. Journal of Phycology 46, 1187–1197.
KARSTEN, U. & RINDI, F. (2010) Ecophysiological performance of an urban strain of the aeroterrestrial green alga Klebsormidium sp. (Klebsormidiales, Klebsormidiophyceae). European Journal of Phycology 45, 426-435.
MOLIS, M., ENGE, A.K. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) Seasonal patterns in abundance and grazing impact of and trait-mediated indirect interactions among kelp (Laminaria digitata)-associated mesograzers. Journal of Phycology 46, 76-84.
NITSCHKE, U. BOEDEKER, C., HEPPERLE, D., KARSTEN, U. & EGGERT, A. (2010) Lack of mannitol accumulation in an isolate of Rhodella maculata Evans (Rhodellophyceae, Rhodophyta) from the brackish Baltic Sea indicates a stressed population at the distribution limit. European Journal of Phycology 45, 436-449.
REMIAS, D., KARSTEN, U., LÜTZ, C. & LEYA, T. (2010) Physiological and morphological processes in the Alpine snow alga Chloromonas nivalis (Chlorophyceae) during cyst formation. Protoplasma, 243, 73-86.
WOELFEL, J., SCHUMANN, R., PEINE, F., FLOHR, A., KRUSS, A., TEGOWSKI, J., BLONDEL, P., WIENCKE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) Microphytobenthos of Arctic Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway) – Biomass and potential primary production along the shore line. Polar Biology 33, 1239-1253.
YANG, E.C., SCOTT, J., WEST, J.A., ORLOVA, E., GAUTHIER, D., KÜPPER, F.C., YOON, H.S. & KARSTEN, U. (2010) New taxa of the Porphyridiophyceae (Rhodophyta): Timspurckia oligopyrenoides gen. et sp. nov. and Erythrolobus madagascarensis sp. nov.. Phycologia 49, 604-616.
CERDA, O., KARSTEN, U., ROTHÄUSLER, E., TALA, F. & THIEL, M. (2009) Compensatory growth of the kelp Macrocystis integrifolia Bory (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) against grazing of Peramphithoe femorata (Krøyer) (Amphipoda, Ampithoidae) in northern-central Chile. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 377, 61-67.
GLUD, R.N., WOELFEL, J., KARSTEN, U., KÜHL, M. & RYSGAARDS, S. (2009) Benthic microalgal production in the Arctic: Status of the current database. Botanica Marina 52, 559-571.
GÖRS, M., HEPPERLE, D., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2009) Quality analysis of commercial Chlorella-products used as dietary supplement in human nutrition. Journal of Applied Phycology (DOI: 10.1007/s10811-009-9455-4).
GOMEZ, I., WULFF, A., ROLEDA, M.Y., HUOVINEN, P., KARSTEN; U., QUARTINO, L. & WIENCKE, C. (2009) Review – Light and temperature demands of benthic algae in the Polar Regions. Botanica Marina 52, 593-608.
GUSTAVS, L., SCHUMANN, R., EGGERT, A. & KARSTEN, U. (2009) In vivo growth fluorometry: accuracy and limits of microalgal growth rate measurements in ecophysiological investigations. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 55, 95-104.
KARSTEN, U., ESCOUBEYROU, K. & CHARLES, F. (2009) The effect of redissolution solvents and HPLC columns on the analysis of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the macroalgal species Prasiola crispa and Porphyra umbilicalis. Helgoland Marine Research 63, 231-238.
KARSTEN, U., WULFF, A., ROLEDA, M.Y., MÜLLER, R., STEINHOFF, F., FREDERSDORF, J. & WIENCKE, C. (2009) Review - Physiological responses of polar benthic micro- and macroalgae to ultraviolet radiation. Botanica Marina 52, 639-654.
MOLIS, M. WESSELS, H., HAGEN, W., KARSTEN, U., & WIENCKE, C. (2009) Acid-mediated associational defence against sea urchin grazing by the brown alga Desmarestia viridis – supports community structure in Arctic kelp patches. Polar Biology 32: 71-82.
MOSTAERT, A., GIORDANI, C., CROCKETT, R., KARSTEN, U., SCHUMANN, R. & JARVIS, S.P. (2009) Characterisation of amyloid nanostructures in the natural adhesive of unicellular subaerial algae. The Journal of Adhesion 85, 465-483.
ROTHÄUSLER, E., GOMEZ, I., TALA, F., HINOJOSA, I.A., KARSTEN, U. & THIEL, M. (2009) Effect of temperature and grazing on growth and reproduction of floating Macrocystis spp. (Phaeophyceae) along a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Phycology 45, 547-559.
WOELFEL, J., SCHUMANN, R., LEOPOLD, P., WIENCKE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2009) Microphytobenthos standing stock along gradients of physical conditions in Arctic Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Botanica Marina 52, 573-583.
WOELFEL, J., SØRENSEN, K., WARKENTIN, M., FORSTER, S., OREN, A., SCHUMANN, R. (2009) Oxygen evolution in a hypersaline crust: photosynthesis quantification by in situ microelectrode profiling and planar optode spots in incubation chambers. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 56: 263-273
BARTSCH, I., WIENCKE, C., BISCHOF, K., BUCHHOLZ, C., BUCK, B., EGGERT, A., FEUERPFEIL, P., HANELT, D., KAREZ, R., KARSTEN, U., JACOBSEN, S., MOLIS, M., ROLEDA, M., SCHUBERT, H., SCHUMANN, R., VALENTIN, K., WEINBERGER, F. & WIESE, J. (2008) The genus Laminaria sensu lato: recent insights and developments. European Journal of Phycology 43, 1-86.
SENJARINI, K., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2008) Are bacteria the main producers of hydrolytic enzymes in aquatic environment? Jurnal ILMU DASAR 9, 28-37.
KARSTEN, U. (2008) Defense strategies of algae and cyanobacteria against solar ultraviolet radiation. In: Algal Chemical Ecology (AMSLER, C., Edit.). Springer, Berlin, pp. 273-296.
KARSTEN, U., HOYER, K. & WIENCKE, C. (2008) Interactive effects of temperature and radiation on UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids in two red algae from Antarctica. Reports on Polar and Marine Research 571, 270-277.
PATTANAIK, B., ROLEDA, M.Y., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2008) Isolate-specific effects of ultraviolet radiation on photosynthesis, growth and mycosporine like amino acids in the microbial mat-forming cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes. Planta 227, 907-916.
SIEGESMUND, M.A., JOHANSEN, J.R., KARSTEN, U. & FRIEDL, T. (2008) Coleofasciculus gen. nov. (Cyanobacteria): morphological and molecular criteria for revision of the genus Microcoleus Gomot. Journal of Phycology 44, 1572-1585.
WEST, J.A., SCOTT, J.L., WEST, K.A., KARSTEN, U., CLAYDEN, S.L. & SAUNDERS, G.W. (2008) Rhodachlya madagascarensis gen. et sp. nov.: a distinct acrochaetioid represents a new order and family (Rhodachlyales ord. nov., Rhodachlyaceae fam. nov.) of the Florideophyceae (Rhodophyta). Phycologia 47, 203-212.
EGGERT, A., NITSCHKE, U., WEST, J.A., MICHALIK, D. & KARSTEN, U. (2007) Acclimation of the intertidal red alga Bangiopsis subsimplex (Stylonematophyceae) to salinity changes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 343, 176-186.
EGGERT, A., RAIMUND S., MICHALIK, D., WEST, J.A. & KARSTEN, U. (2007) Ecophysiological performance of the primitive red alga Dixoniella grisea (Bangiophyceae) to irradiance, temperature and salinity stress: Growth responses and the osmotic role of mannitol. Phycologia 46, 22-28.
FREESE, H., GÖRS, S., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2007) Dissolved inorganic nutrients and organic substrates in the River Warnow (North-Eastern Germany) – utilisation by bacterioplankton. Limnologica 37, 264-277.
GÖRS, S., RENTSCH, D., SCHIEWER, U., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2007) Dissolved organic matter along the eutrophication gradient of the Darß-Zingst Bodden Chain, Southern Baltic Sea: I. Chemical characterisation and composition. Marine Chemistry 104, 125-142.
GÖRS, S., SCHUMANN, R., HÄUBNER, N. & KARSTEN, U. (2007) Ergosterol als biomarker for terrestrial fungi on artificial substrates. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 60, 50-59.
KARSTEN, U. (2007) Salinity tolerance of Arctic kelps from Spitsbergen. Phycological Research 55, 257-262.
KARSTEN, U., GÖRS, S., EGGERT, A. & WEST, J.A. (2007) Trehalose, digeneaside and floridoside in the Florideophyceae (Rhodophyta) – a re-evaluation of its chemotaxonomic value. Phycologia 46, 143-150.
KARSTEN, U., LEMBCKE, S. & SCHUMANN, R. (2007) The effects of ultraviolet radiation on photosynthetic performance, growth and sunscreen compounds in aeroterrestrial biofilm algae isolated from building facades. Planta 225, 991-1000.
KARSTEN, U., SCHUMANN, R. & MOSTAERT, A. (2007) Aeroterrestrial algae growing on man-made surfaces - what are the secrets of their ecological success? In: Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology (SECKBACH, J., Edit.) Extremophilic and Enigmatic Algae and Non-Photosynthetic Protists, pp. 585-597.
PATTANAIK, B., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2007) Effects of ultraviolet radiation on cyanobacteria and their protective mechanisms. In: Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology (SECKBACH, J., Edit.) Extremophilic and Enigmatic Algae and Non-Photosynthetic Protists, pp. 31-45.
WARKENTIN, M., FREESE, H., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2007) New and fast method to quantify bacterial and plankton community respiration in freshwater ecosystems by optical oxygen sensor spots. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73, 6722-6729.
WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G., SCOTT, J.L., WEST, K.A & KARSTEN, U. (2007) Rhodaphanes brevistipitata gen. and sp. nov., a new species of the Stylonematophyceae (Rhodophyta). Phycologia 46, 440-449.
WIENCKE, C., CLAYTON, M.N., GOMEZ, I., AMSLER, C.D., IKEN, K., LÜDER, U., KARSTEN, U., HANELT, D., BISCHOF, K. & DUNTON, K. (2007) Life strategy , ecophysiology and ecology of seaweeds in polar waters. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 6, 95-126.
WOELFEL, J., SCHUMANN, R., ADLER, S., HÜBENER, T. & KARSTEN, U. (2007) Diatoms inhabiting a wind flat of the Baltic Sea - species diversity and seasonal succession. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75, 296-307.
BISCHOF, K., GOMEZ, I., MOLIS, M., HANELT, D., KARSTEN, U., LÜDER, U., ROLEDA, M.Y., ZACHER, K. & WIENCKE, C. (2006) Ultraviolet radiation shapes seaweed communities. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 5, 141-166.
EGGERT, A., RAIMUND S., VAN DEN DAELE, K. & KARSTEN, U. (2006) Biochemical characterisation of the mannitol metabolism in the primitive, unicellular red alga Dixoniella grisea (Bangiophyceae) (Geitler) Scott et al.. European Journal of Phycology 41, 405-413.
EGGERT, A., HÄUBNER, N., KLAUSCH, S., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2006) Quantification of algal biofilms colonising building materials: Chlorophyll a measured by PAM fluorometry as a biomass parameter. Biofouling 22, 79-90.
EGGERT, A., SELIG, U., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUBERT, H. (2006) Distribution of three submerserd macrophytes in coastal lagoon of the German Baltic Sea: Comparision of laboratory and field data. Botanica Marina 49, 386-395.
EIXLER, S., SELIG, U. & KARSTEN, U. (2006) Phosphorus storage in Chlorella vulgaris (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) cells in dependency of phosphate supply. Phycologia 45, 53-60.
FREESE, H., KARSTEN, U. & SCHUMANN, R. (2006) Bacterial biomass, production and viability in the eutrophic river Warnow, Northeast Germany. Microbial Ecology 51, 117-127.
HÄUBNER, N., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2006) Aeroterrestrial algae growing on facades – response to temperature and water stress. Microbial Ecology 51, 285-293.
HOLZINGER, A., KARSTEN, U., LÜTZ, C. & WIENCKE, C. (2006) Ultrastructure and photosynthesis in the supralittoral green macroalga Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing from Spitsbergen (Norway) under UV exposure. Phycologia 45, 168-177.
KARSTEN, U., SCHUMANN, R., ROTHE, S., JUNG, I. & MEDLIN, L. (2006) Temperature and light requirements for growth of two diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) isolated from an Arctic macroalga. Polar Biology 29, 476-486.
SCHUMANN, R., BAUDLER, H., GLASS, Ä., DÜMCKE, K., KARSTEN, U. (2006) Long-term observations on salinity dynamics in a tideless shallow lagoon of the Southern Baltic Sea coast. Journal of Marine Systems 60, 330-344.
SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2006) Phytoplankton im Zingster Strom der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette – 13 Jahre Remesotrophierung. Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge 16, 47-59.
STÜKEN, A., RÜCKER, J., ENDRULAT, T., PREUSSEL, K., HEMM, M., NIXDORF, B., KARSTEN, U. & WIEDNER, C. (2006) Distribution and habitat characteristics of the tropical and toxic Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) in temperate freshwaters. Phycologia 45, 696-703.
WESSELS, H., HAGEN, W., MOLIS, M., WIENCKE, C. KARSTEN, U. (2006) Intra- and interspecific differences in food quality of Arctic macroalgae from Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen) for two benthic sympatric invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 329, 20-33.
WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G.C., HOMMERSAND, M., KARSTEN, U. & GÖRS, S. (2006) Observations on Bostrychia radicosa comb. Nov. (Rhodomelacea, Rhodophyta). Phycological Research 54, 1-14.
BOEDEKER, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2005) The occurrence of mycosporine-like amino acids in the gametophytic and sporophytic stages of Bangia (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 44, 403-408.
BRETSCHNEIDER, A., MARTEN, P., SCHUMANN, R., KARSTEN, U. & VENZMER, H. (2005) Bakterien: Entsalzungskünstler in der Denkmalpflege. Biologie in unserer Zeit 35, 158-159.
EIXLER, S., SELIG, U. & KARSTEN, U. (2005) Extraction and detection methods for polyphosphate storage in autotrophic planktonic organisms. Hydrobiologia 533, 135-143.
HÜNKEN, M., KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (2005) Determination of the adenylate energy charge (AEC) as a tool to determine the physiological status of macroalgal tissues after UV exposure. Phycologia 41, 249-253.
KARSTEN, U., FRIEDL, T., SCHUMANN, R., HOYER, K. & LEMBCKE, S. (2005) Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and phylogenies in green algae: Prasiola and its relatives from the Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 41, 557-566.
KARSTEN, U., MICHALIK, D., MICHALIK, M. & WEST, J.A. (2005) A new unusual low molecular weight carbohydrate in the red algal genus Hypoglossum (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) and its possible function as osmolyte. Planta 222, 319-326.
KARSTEN, U., SCHUMANN, R., HÄUBNER, N. & FRIEDL, T. (2005) Aeroterrestrische Mikroalgen - Lebensraum Fassade. Biologie in unserer Zeit 35, 20-30.
KORBEE, N., HUOVINEN, P., FIGUEROA, F.L., AGUILERA, J. & KARSTEN, U. (2005) Availability of ammonium influences photosynthesis and the accumulation of MAAs in two Porphyra species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Marine Biology 146, 645-654.
OBERMÜLLER, B., KARSTEN, U. & ABELE, D. (2005) Response of oxidative stress parameters and sunscreening compounds in Arctic amphipods during experimental exposure to maximal natural UVB-radiation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 323, 100-117.
SCHUMANN, R., HÄUBNER, N., KLAUSCH, S. & KARSTEN, U. (2005) Chlorophyll extraction methods for the quantification of green microalgae colonising building facades. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 55, 213-222.
DUMMERMUTH, A., KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (2004) Effects of H2O2 on the Arctic green macroalga Chaetomorpha linum (Müller) Kützing. Reports on Polar and Marine Research 492, 186-194.
HOLZINGER, A., LÜTZ, C., KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (2004) The effect of ultraviolet radiation on ultrastructure and photosynthesis in the red macroalgae Palmaria palmata and Odonthalia dentata from Arctic waters. Plant Biology 6, 568-577.
KARSTEN, U. & HOYER, K. (2004) UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids and their role in UV protection. Reports on Polar and Marine Research 492, 175-185.
ROTHE, S., SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2004) Effect of temperature and photon fluence rate on growth rates of two epiphytic diatom species isolated from Kongsfjord macroalgae. Reports on Polar and Marine Research 492, 136-146.
WESSELS, H., HAGEN, W., WIENCKE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2004) Trophic interactions between macroalgae and herbivores from Kongsfjorden. Reports on Polar and Marine Research 492, 63-72.
WITTE, K., WÖLFEL, J. & KARSTEN, U. (2004) Das Vorkommen mikrobieller Matten an der Deutschen Ostseeküste und die saisonale Sukzession in Mikrobenmatten am Beispiel des Windwatts "Großer Werder". Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge 12, 61-70.
WÖLFEL, J. & KARSTEN, U. (2004) Saisonale Sukzession in der photoautotrophen Schicht mikrobieller Matten des Windwattes der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette. Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge 13, 269-275.
DUMMERMUTH, A., KARSTEN, U., FISCH, K.M., KÖNIG, G.M. & WIENCKE, C. (2003) Responses of macroalgae to hydrogen-peroxide-stress. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 289, 103-121.
HOYER, K., KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (2003) Inventory of UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids in polar macroalgae and factors controlling their concentration. Proceedings of the VIII SCAR Meeting (Scientific Community on Antarctic Research) Huiskes AHL, Gieskes WWC, Rozema J, Schorno RML, Va der Vies SM & Wolff WJ (eds.), Backhuys Publ. Leiden, The Netherlands, p. 56-62.
KARSTEN, U., DUMMERMUTH, A., HOYER, K. & WIENCKE, C. (2003) Interactive effects of ultraviolet radiation and salinity on the ecophysiology of two Arctic red algae from shallow waters. Polar Biology 26, 249-258.
OBERMÜLLER, B., KARSTEN, U., PÖRTNER, H.O. & ABELE, D. (2003) Effects of UV-radiation on oxidative stress parameters and uptake of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in polar marine amphipods. Proceedings of the VIII SCAR Meeting (Scientific Community on Antarctic Research) Huiskes AHL, Gieskes WWC, Rozema J, Schorno RML, Va der Vies SM & Wolff WJ (eds.), Backhuys Publ. Leiden, The Netherlands, p. 63-68.
KARSTEN, U., WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G.C., ENGBRODT, R., YOKOYAMA, A., HARA, Y & BRODIE, J. (2003) Low molecular weight carbohydrates of the Bangiophycidae (Rhodophyta). PartII. Journal of Phycology 39, 584-589.
KARSTEN, U., SCHUMANN, R. & WITTE, K. (2003) Von klein bis groß - Primärproduzenten der inneren Küstengewässer der südlichen Ostsee am Beispiel der Darß-Zingster-Boddenkette. Biologie in unserer Zeit 33, 46-55.
SCHUMANN, R., SCHIEWER, U., KARSTEN, U. & RIELING, T. (2003) Viability of pelagic bacteria from freshwater, estuarine and coastal Baltic Sea habitats. II. Application of cellular fluorescent markers for membrane integrity, respiration activity and hydrolytic enzymes. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 32: 137-150.
AGUILERA, J., BISCHOF, K., KARSTEN, U., HANELT, D. & WIENCKE, C. (2002) Seasonal variation in ecophysiological patterns in macroalgae from an Arctic fjord: II. Pigment accumulation and biochemical defence systems. Marine Biology 140, 1087-1095.
AGUILERA, J., DUMMERMUTH, A., KARSTEN, U., SCHRIEK, R. & WIENCKE, C. (2002) Enzymatic defenses against photooxidative stress induced by ultraviolett radiation in Arctic marine macroalgae. Polar Biology 25, 432-441.
BISCHOF, K., HANELT, D., AGUILERA, J., KARSTEN, U., VÖGELE, B., SAWALL, T. & WIENCKE, C. (2002) Seasonal variation in ecophysiological patterns in macroalgae from an Arctic fjord: I. Sensitivity of photosynthesis to ultraviolet radiation. Marine Biology 140, 1097-1106.
GRAEVE, M., KATTNER, G., WIENCKE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2002) Fatty acid composition of Arctic and Antarctic macroalgae: indicators for phylogenetic and trophic relationships. Marine Ecology Progress Series 231, 67-74.
HOYER, K., KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (2002) Induction of sunscreen compounds in Antarctic macroalgae by different radiation conditions. Marine Biology 141, 619-627.
KARSTEN,U. (2002) Effects of salinity and ultraviolet radiation on the concentration of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in various isolates of the benthic cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes. Phycological Research 50, 129-134.
KRÄBS, G., BISCHOF, K., HANELT, D.,KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (2002) Wavelength-dependent induction of UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids in the red alga Chondrus crispus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 268, 69-82.
HOYER, K., KARSTEN, U., SAWALL, T. & WIENCKE, C. (2001) Photoprotective substances in Antarctic macroalgae and their variation with respect to depth distribution, different tissues and developmental stages. Marine Ecology Progress Series 211, 117-129.
KARSTEN, U., BISCHOF, K. & WIENCKE, C. (2001) Photosynthetic performance of Arctic macroalgae after transplantation from deep to shallow waters followed by exposure to natural solar radiation. Oecologia 127, 11-20.
AGUILERA, J., GORDILLO, M., KARSTEN, U., FIGUEROA, F.L. & NIELL, F.X. (2000) Light quality effect on photosynthesis and efficiency of carbon assimilation in the red alga Porphyra leucosticta. Journal of Plant Physiology 157, 86-92.
KARSTEN, U. (2000) Occurrence of photoprotective mycosporine-like amino acid compounds (MAAs) in marine red macroalgae from temperate Australian waters. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 122, 123-129.
KARSTEN, U., SAWALL, T., WEST, J.A. & WIENCKE, C. (2000) Ultraviolet sunscreen compounds in epiphytic red algae from mangroves. Hydrobiologia 432, 159-171.
KARSTEN, U. & WEST, J.A. (2000) Living in the intertidal zone - seasonal effects on heterosides and sun-screen compounds in the red alga Bangia atropurpurea (Bangiales). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 254, 221-234.
AGUILERA, J., KARSTEN, U., LIPPERT, H., VÖGELE, B., PHILIPP, E., HANELT, D. & WIENCKE, C. (1999) Effects of solar radiation on growth, photosynthesis and respiration of marine macroalgae from the Arctic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 191, 109-119.
FRANKLIN, L.A., YAKOVLEVA, I., KARSTEN, U. & LÜNING, K. (1999) Synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids in Chondrus crispus Stackh. and the consequences for sensitivity to ultraviolet B radiation. Journal of Phycology 35, 682-693.
KARSTEN, U. (1999) Seasonal variation in heteroside concentrations of field-collected Porphyra species (Rhodophyta) from different biogeographic regions. The New Phytologist 143, 561-571.
KARSTEN, U., BISCHOF, K., HANELT, D., TÜG, H. & WIENCKE, C. (1999) The effect of UV radiation on photosynthesis and UV-absorbing substances in the endemic Arctic macroalga Devaleraea ramentacea (Rhodophyta). Physiologia Plantarum 105, 58-66.
KARSTEN, U., WEST, J.A., ZUCARELLO, G.C., NIXDORF, O., BARROW, K.D. & KING, R.J. (1999) Low molecular weight carbohydrate patterns in the Bangiophyceae (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 35, 967-976.
KARSTEN, U. & WIENCKE, C. (1999) Factors controlling the formation of UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids in the marine red alga Palmaria palmata from Spitsbergen (Norway). Journal of Plant Physiology 155, 407-415.
ZUCCARELLO, G., WEST, J.A., KARSTEN, U. & KING, R.J. (1999) Molecular relationships within Bostrychia tenuissima (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycological Research 47, 81-85.
BISCHOF, K., HANELT, D., TÜG, H., KARSTEN, U., BROUWER, P.E.M. & WIENCKE, C. (1998) Acclimation of brown algal photosynthesis to ultraviolet radiation in Arctic coastal waters (Spitsbergen, Norway). Polar Biology 20, 388-395
GOMEZ, I., PEREZ-RODRIGUEZ, E., VINEGLA, B., FIGUEROA, F.L. & KARSTEN, U. (1998) Effects of solar radiation on photosynthesis, UV-absorbing compounds and enzyme activities of the green alga Dasycladus vermicularis from southern Spain. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology 47, 46-57.
KARSTEN, U., BARROW, K.D. & KING, R.J. (1998) Mannitol metabolism of the epiphytic mangrove red alga Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J.Agardh - a long-term field study. Phycological Research 46, 91-96.
KARSTEN, U., FRANKLIN, L.A., LÜNING, K. & WIENCKE, C. (1998) Natural ultraviolet and photosynthetic active radiation induce formation of mycosporine-like amino acids in the marine macroalga Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta). Planta 205, 257-262.
KARSTEN, U., MAIER, J. & GARCIA-PICHEL, F. (1998) Seasonality in UV-absorbing compounds of cyanobacterial mat communities from an intertidal mangrove flat. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 16, 37-44.
KARSTEN, U., SAWALL, T., HANELT, D., BISCHOF, K., FIGUEROA, F.L., FLORES-MOYA, A. & WIENCKE, C. (1998) An inventory of UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids in macroalgae from polar to warm-temperate regions. Botanica Marina 41, 443-453.
KARSTEN, U., SAWALL, T. & WIENCKE, C. (1998) A survey on the distribution of UV-absorbing substances in tropical macroalgae. Phycological Research 46, 271-279.
MOSTAERT, M., KARSTEN, U., HARA, Y. & WATANABE, M.M. (1998) Pigments and fatty acids of marine Raphidophytes: a chemotaxonomic re-evaluation. Phycological Research 46: 213-220.
KARSTEN, U., HANELT, D., BISCHOF, K., TÜG, H., BROUWER, P. & WIENCKE, C. (1998) Enhanced ultraviolet radiation over the Arctic - what are the consequences for seaweed physiology and ecology? Proceedings from the Fourth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Italian National Research Council, S.T.A.R. - Pisa, 177-180.
BÜDEL, B., KARSTEN, U., GARCIA-PICHEL, F. (1997) UV-absorbing scytonemin and mycosporine-like amino acid derivaties in exposed, rock inhabiting cyanobacterial lichens. Oecologia 112, 165-172.
HANELT, D., WIENCKE, C., KARSTEN, U. & NULTSCH, W. (1997) Photoinhibition and recovery after high light stress in different developmental and life history stages of Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta). Journal of Phycology 33, 387-395.
KARSTEN, U., BARROW, K.D., NIXDORF, O., WEST, J.A. & KING, R.J. (1997) Biochemical characterization of the mannitol metabolism in the mangrove red alga Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J.Agardh. Planta 201, 109 - 118
PEREZ-RODRIGEZ, E, GOMEZ, I., KARSTEN, U. & FIGUEROA, F.L. (1998) Effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis and excretion of UV-absorbing pigments of Dasycladus vermicularis (Chlorophyta, Dasycladales) from Southern Spain. Phycologia 37, 379-387.
KARSTEN, U. (1996) Growth and organic osmolytes of geographically different isolates of Microcoleus chthonoplastes (Cyanobacteria) from benthic microbial mats: response to salinity change. Journal of Phycology 32, 501-506.
KARSTEN, U., BARROW, K.D., NIXDORF, O. & KING, R.J. (1996) The compability of unusual organic osmolytes from mangrove red algae with enzyme activity. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 23, 577-582.
KARSTEN, U. & GARCIA-PICHEL, F. (1996) Carotenoids and mycosporine-like amino acid compounds in members of the genus Microcoleus (Cyanobacteria): a chemosystematic study. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 19, 285-294.
KARSTEN, U., KLIMANT, I. & HOLST, G. (1996) A new in vivo fluorimetric technique to measure growth of adhering phototrophic microorganisms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62, 237-243.
KARSTEN, U., BARROW, K.D., WEST, J.A. & KING, R.J. (1997) Mannitol metabolism in the intertidal mangrove red alga Caloglossa leprieurii: salinity effects on enzymatic activity. Phycologia 36, 150-156.
KARSTEN, U., KÜCK, K., VOGT, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1996) Dimethylsulfoniopropionate production in phototrophic organisms and its physiological function as cryoprotectant. Biological and Environmental Chemistry of DMSP and Related Sulfonium Compounds, R.P. Kiene, P.T. Visscher, M.D. Keller and G.O. Kirst (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 143-153.
KARSTEN, U. & KÜHL, M. (1996) Das kleinste Ökosystem der Welt: die Mikrobenmatte. Biologie in unserer Zeit 26, 16-26.
KARSTEN, U., MOSTAERT, A., KING, R.J., KAMIYA, M. & HARA, Y. (1996) Osmoprotectors in Japanese mangrove macroalgae. Phycological Research 44, 109-112.
KARSTEN, U. & WEST, J.A. (1996) Salt tolerance and growth of Bostrychia pinnata and B. calliptera in laboratory culture (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta). The Philippine Scientist 33, 16-22.
KARSTEN, U., KOCH, S., WEST, J.A. & KIRST, G.O. (1996) Physiological responses of the eulittoral macroalga Stictosiphonia hookeri (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Argentina and Chile: salinity, light and temperature acclimation. European Journal of Phycology 31, 361-368.
BARROW, K.D., KARSTEN, U., KING, R.J. & WEST, J.A. (1995) Floridoside in the genus Laurencia (Rhodomelaceae: Ceramiales) - a chemosystematic study. Phycologia 34, 279-283.
MOSTAERT, A.S., KARSTEN, U. & KING, R.J. (1995) Inorganic ions and mannitol in the red alga Caloglossa leprieurii: response to salinity change. Phycologia 34, 501-507.
WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G.C. & KARSTEN, U. (1996) Reproductive biology of Stictosiphonia hookeri (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Australia in laboratory culture. Hydrobiologia 326/327, 277-282.
KARSTEN, U. (1995) Mangrovenalgen. Biologie in unserer Zeit 25, 50-57.
KARSTEN, U., BOCK, C. & WEST, J.A. (1995) Low molecular weight carbohydrate patterns in geographically different isolates of the eulittoral red alga Bostrychia tenuissima from Australia. Botanica Acta 108, 321-326.
KARSTEN, U., BOCK, C. & WEST, J.A. (1995) 13C-NMR spectroscopy as a tool to study organic osmolytes in the mangrove red algal genera Bostrychia and Stictosiphonia (Ceramiales). Phycological Research 43, 241-247.
KARSTEN,U., BARROW,K.D., MOSTAERT,A.S. & KING,R.J. (1995) The osmotic significance of the heteroside floridoside in the mangrove alga Catenella nipae (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) in eastern Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 40, 239-247.
MOSTAERT, A.S., KARSTEN, U. & KING, R.J. (1995) Physiological responses of Caloglossa leprieurii (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) to salinity stress. Phycological Research 43, 215-222.
PEDROCHE, F.P., WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G.C., SENTIES, A. & KARSTEN, U. (1995) Marine red algae of the mangroves in south Pacific Mexico and Pacific Guatemala. Botanica Marina 38, 111-119.
OREN, A., KÜHL, M. & KARSTEN, U. (1995) An endoevaporitic microbial mat within a gypsum crust: zonation of phototrophs, photopigments, and light penetration. Marine Ecology Progress Series 128, 151-159.
BISCHOFF, B., KARSTEN, U., DANIEL, C., KÜCK, K. & WIENCKE, C. (1994) Preliminary assessment of the ß-dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) content of macroalgae from the tropical Island Hainan (People's Republic of China). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45, 1329-1336.
GLAZER, A.N., CHAN, C., KARSTEN, U. & WEST, J.A. (1994) Compsopogon coeruleus (Rhodophyta): Salinity tolerance, biliproteins, and floridoside. Journal of Phycology 30, 457-461.
KARSTEN, U., BARROW, K.D., MOSTAERT, A.S., KING, R.J. & WEST, J.A. (1994) 13C- and 1H-NMR studies on digeneaside in the red alga Caloglossa leprieurii - a re-evaluation of its osmotic significance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 32, 669-676.
KARSTEN, U., KOCH, S., WEST, J.A. & KIRST, G.O. (1994) The intertidal red alga Bostrychia simpliciuscula Harvey ex J.Agardh from a mangrove swamp in Singapore: their acclimation to light and salinity. Aquatic Botany 48, 313-323.
KARSTEN, U., KÜCK, K., DANIEL, C., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1994) A method for complete determination of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in marine macroalgae from different geographical regions. Phycologia 33, 171-176.
KARSTEN, U., WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G. & KIRST, G.O. (1994) Physiological ecotypes in the marine red alga Bostrychia radicans (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from the east coast of the USA. Journal of Phycology 30, 174-182.
WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G., KARSTEN, U. & CALUMPONG, H.P. (1994) Biology of Bostrychia, Stictosiphonia and Caloglossa (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales). Proccedings of the Second RP-USA Phycology Symposium, 6-19 January 1992, Cebu and Dumaguete, 145 - 162.
WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G.C., PEDROCHE, F.P. & KARSTEN, U. (1994) Caloglossa apomeiotica sp. nov. (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Pacific Mexico. Botanica Marina 37, 381-390.
BARROW, K.D., KARSTEN, U. & KING, R.J. (1993) Isolation of isoethionic acid from the marine red alga Ceramium flaccidum. Phytochemistry 34, 1429-1430.
KARSTEN, U., BARROW, K.D. & KING, R.J. (1993) Floridoside, L-isofloridoside and D-isofloridoside in the red alga Porphyra columbina: seasonal and osmotic effects. Plant Physiology 103, 485-491.
KARSTEN, U. & WEST, J.A. (1993) Ecophysiological studies on six species of the mangrove red algal genus Caloglossa. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 20, 729-739.
KARSTEN, U., WEST, J.A. & GANESAN, E.K. (1993) Comparative physiological ecology of Bostrychia moritziana (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from freshwater and marine habitats. Phycologia 32, 401-409.
WIENCKE, C., RAHMEL, J., KARSTEN, U., WEYKAM, G. & KIRST, G.O. (1993) Photosynthesis of marine macroalgae from Antarctica: Light and temperature requirements. Botanica Acta 106, 78 - 87.
KARSTEN, U., WEST, J.A., MOSTAERT, A.S., KING, R.J., BARROW, K.D. & KIRST, G.O. (1992) Mannitol in the red algal genus Caloglossa. Journal of Plant Physiology 140, 292 - 297.
KARSTEN, U., WEST, J.A. & ZUCCARELLO, G. (1992) Polyol content of Bostrychia and Stictosiphonia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from field and culture. Botanica Marina 35, 11 - 19.
KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1992) Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) accumulation in green macroalgae from polar to temperate regions: interactive effects of light versus salinity and light versus temperature. Polar Biology 12, 603 - 607.
WEST, J.A., ZUCCARELLO, G.C., PEDROCHE, E.F. & KARSTEN, U. (1992) Marine red algae of the mangroves in Pacific Mexico and their polyol content. Botanica Marina 35, 567 - 572.
KARSTEN, U., THOMAS, D.N., WEYKAM, G., DANIEL, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1991) A simple and rapid method for extraction and separation of low molecular weight carbohydrates from marine macroalgae using high performance liquid chromatography. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 29, 373 - 378.
KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1991) Growth pattern and ß-dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) content of green macroalgae at different irradiances. Marine Biology 108, 151 - 155.
KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1991) The effect of salinity changes upon physiology of eulittoral green macroalgae from Antarctica and Southern Chile. I. Cell viability, growth, photosynthesis and dark respiration. Journal of Plant Physiology 138, 667 - 673.
KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1991) The effect of salinity changes upon physiology of eulittoral green macroalgae from Antarctica and Southern Chile. II. Inorganic ions and organic compounds. Journal of Experimental Botany 42, 1533 - 1539.
KARSTEN, U., KING, R. & KIRST, G.O. (1990) The distribution of D-sorbitol and D-dulcitol in the red algal genera Bostrychia and Stictosiphonia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) - a re-evaluation. British Phycological Journal 25, 363 - 366.
KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1990) The ß-dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) content of macroalgae from Antarctica and Southern Chile. Botanica Marina 33, 143 - 146.
KARSTEN, U., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1990) The effect of light intensity and daylength on the ß-dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) content of marine green macroalgae from Antarctica. Plant, Cell and Environment 13, 989 - 993.
KARSTEN, U. & KIRST, G.O. (1989) Incomplete turgor pressure regulation in the "terrestial" red alga, Bostrychia scorpioides (Huds.) Mont. Plant Science 61, 29 - 36.
KARSTEN, U. & KIRST, G.O. (1989) The effect of salinity on growth, photosynthesis and respiration in the estuarine red alga Bostrychia radicans Mont. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 43, 61 - 66.
KARSTEN, U. & KIRST, G.O. (1989) Intracellular solutes, photosynthesis and respiration of the green alga Blidingia minima in response to salinity stress. Botanica Acta 102, 123 - 128.
KARSTEN, U. & KIRST, G.O. (1989) The role of inorganic ions and D-sorbitol in the osmotic adjustment of the estuarine red alga Bostrychia radicans Mont. (Ceramiales, Rhodomelaceae). Cryptogamic Botany 1, 226 - 229.
nicht peer reviewed
KARSTEN, U. (2006) Gewässerschutz und –sanierung. Lehrbrief Weiterbildendes Fernstudium Umweltschutz, Universität Rostock, 315 Seiten.
KARSTEN, U., SCHUMANN, R., GUSTAVS, L. & FRIEDL, T. (2007) Das Geheimnis der „grünen Haut“. DFG-Magazin forschung 4, 22-25.
WÖLFEL, J. & KARSTEN, U. (2008) „Eiskalt erwischt“ – Leben und Lebensleistung von Mikroalgen der Arktis. Traditio et Innovatio 13 (2), 4-6.
EIXLER, S., SCHUMANN, R., GÖRS, S. & KARSTEN, U. (2003) Leben außerhalb des Wassers – atmophytische Algen, Cyanobakterien und Flechten. Altbauinstandsetzung 5/6 – Algen an Fassadenbaustoffen II, 59-68.
EIXLER, S., SELIG, U. & KARSTEN, U. (2002) Einfluß von Phosphatangebot und Phosphatmangel auf die Bildung intrazellulärer Phosphorverbindungen autotropher Plankter. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie – Tagungsbericht 2001, 575-578.
GÖRS, S., SCHUMANN, R., EIXLER, S. & KARSTEN, U. (2003) Moderne Methoden der angewandten Ökologie: I. Analyse chemischer Fingerabdrücke. Altbauinstandsetzung 5/6 – Algen an Fassadenbaustoffen II, 159-169.
JATZEK, M., MESSAL, C., SCHUMANN, R., KARSTEN, U. & VENZMER, H. (2002) Schadensfall: Mikroalgen auf nachträglich wärmegedämmten Plattenbauten der Insel Rügen. Bauphysik 24(5), 305-308.
KARSTEN, U. (2001) Phykologische Forschung in Rostock. Rundschreiben der Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Dezember 2001, 3-4.
KARSTEN, U. (2002) Klitzkleine Ökosysteme der Ostsee – die Mikrobenmatte. Nationalparkinfoblatt Nr. 12 – Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft
KARSTEN, U. (2004) 25 Jahre Biologische Station Zingst. Rostocker Universitätszeitung 15(2), 7
KARSTEN, U., EIXLER, S., GÖRS, S. & SCHUMANN, R. (2003) Klimawandel und der mögliche Einflussauf das Algenwachstum. Altbauinstandsetzung 5/6 – Algen an Fassadenbaustoffen II, 51-58.
SCHUMANN, R., EIXLER, S., GÖRS, S. & KARSTEN, U. (2003) Moderne Methoden der angewandten Ökologie: II. Visualisierung von Mikroorganismen und ihren Lebensäußerungen. Altbauinstandsetzung 5/6 – Algen an Fassadenbaustoffen II, 159-169.
SCHUMANN, R., EIXLER, S & KARSTEN, U. (2004) Fassadenbesiedelnde Mikroalgen. Bauphysik Kalender 2004, 561-584.
SCHUMANN, R. & KARSTEN, U. (2002) Mikrobielle Diagnostik zur Qualitätssicherung an Gebäuden. Qualität und Bewertung in der Bauwerkssanierung, Heft 13, 161-172.
SCHUMANN, R, MESSAL, C.,.KARSTEN, U. & VENZMER, H. (2002) Mikroalgen auf Häuserfassaden – bauphysikalische und biologische Betrachtungen. Bautenschutz und Bausanierung 5, 27-31.
WIENCKE, C. & KARSTEN, U. (2000) UV-Schutzverbindungen aus Makroalgen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung - Mitteilungen 4, 17-19.
WIENCKE, C., HANELT, D., BISCHOF, K., TÜG, H., KARSTEN, U. & SCHREMS, O. (2002) Enhanced UV radiation and its implications for seaweeds from Spitsbergen. The Changing Physical Environment - Proccedings from the Sixth Ny-Alesund International Scientific Seminar, 107-110.
KARSTEN, U., HANELT, D., BISCHOF, K., TÜG, H., BROUWER, P. & WIENCKE, C. (1998) Enhanced ultraviolet radiation over the Arctic - what are the consequences for seaweed physiology and ecology? Proceedings from the Fourth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Italian National Research Council, S.T.A.R. - Pisa, 177-180.
KARSTEN, U., KÜCK, K, STEINKE, M., WIENCKE, C. & KIRST, G.O. (1995) Physiologische Bedeutung von Dimethylsulfoniumpropionat (DMSP) in polaren Makroalgen. Reports on Polar Research 155, 28-30.
GRÖNE, T. & KARSTEN, U. (1991) Bestimmung des Dimethylsulfoniumpropionat-Gehaltes (DMSP) im Phytoplankton. In: Fütterer, D. K. & Schrems, O. (Hrsg.): Die Expedition ANTARKTIS VIII mit FS "Polarstern" 1989/90; Bericht von den Fahrtabschnitten ANT VIII/6-7. Reports on Polar Research 90, 197 - 202.
KARSTEN, U. (1991) Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen zur Salinitäts- und Temperaturtoleranz antarktischer Grünalgen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ß-Dimethylsulfoniumpropionat (DMSP)-Stoffwechsels. Reports on Polar Research 79, 1-108.
KARSTEN, U., KIRST, G.O. & MEYERDIERKS, D. (1990) Analysis of dimethyl-sulfoniumpropionate (DMSP) in marine phytoplankton. In: Arntz, W., Ernst, W. & Hempel, I.(Hrsg.): The expedition Antarktis VII/4 (EPOS leg 3) and VII/5 of RV "Polarstern" in 1989. Reports on Polar Research 68, 180 - 181.